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Industry News
Lighting Controls Podcast - All The Marbles
February 7, 2025

Lyn is back earning her 3-times jacket! Lyn starts with the statement that nobody knows what they’re doing and we go from there. Lyn talks about the reason to use the term "commissioning provider" rather than agent or authority

(Check out her blog post on the subject: https://kw-engineering.com/commissioning-titles-agent-authority-provider-one-right/. Which makes sense seeing as she is now the President of the Building Commissioning Association. If the MEP thing doesn’t work out, we feel confident she could be pretty successful in stand-up comedy.

Lyn is an MEP Coordinator for DPR Construction. She uses her 25 years of experience to start up and build quality into integrated systems for HVAC, electrical/lighting, control systems, fire protection, backup power, and technology.

In her spare time (lol), she’s the chair for the update to ANSI/IES LP-8 (the standard for lighting/controls commissioning) and is President of the Building Commissioning Association. With Rick Miller, she created the framework for the new standard on control sequences for lighting control systems (LP-16) and was vice-chair. She also teaches classes on lighting controls and supports Techbridge, an afterschool STEM program.

Listen to the podcast

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