Annual Membership Includes The Following : |
- Feature up to 20 products in our lighting product database
- Feature up to 3 Catalogs or Brochures on our Catalogs page
- One press release per month in our industry news section (news is archived in our search engine)
- Upgraded listing in our directory with logo, contact info and unique product images for each category
- Event postings
- Social Media Feed Postings (updated daily)
- Annual Featured LightFair Products Promotion
Total Investment - $350.00 per year. |
All products, manufacturer information, catalogs, events and press releases are also featured on our iPhone/Android app (over 5000 downloads). |
To get started, please use the PayPal link below. You'll receive an email within 24 hours with all of the ad specs for the membership. |
For additional information please email [email protected] or call 480-687-5338. |