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Industry News
Lighting Controls Podcast - A Team Effort
January 27, 2025

Dan Weissman joins us from Lam Partners Architectural Lighting where they are “crafting luminous environments for people to spend their lives in.” That luminous environment requires lights, obviously, but also controls. That being said, Dan points out that the most successful projects are ones that have simple user interfaces. As Ron says, “You can have the most complicated control system on the back end, but if that end user experience isn't simple and easy, people just get confused.” But even the simplest design needs coordination and communication between the architect, engineer, and lighting and controls designers–A Team Effort. Dan Weissman, AIA, IALD, IES is an award-winning Architectural Lighting Designer, researcher, and craftsman specializing in sustainable design and digital technologies.

As Associate Principal and Director of Lam Labs at Lam Partners, he collaborates on innovative projects and engages with leading academics to advance the field. Dan serves as Chair of the IES Daylighting Committee, is an active member of the IES Sustainable Design committee and Solemma’s Climate Studio Product Advisory Group, and sits on the Board of Directors of the Flint Collective. He periodically teaches at Harvard Graduate School of Design, and is a frequent guest lecturer nationally and internationally. An avid musician and amateur luthier of mandolin-family instruments, Dan also tends a garden, and two children along with his artist wife Lanie, and bakes two sourdough loaves a week.

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